haip! tangan tu.. gatal kn?

Friday, January 18, 2013

listen listen listen !

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Even though zeera x pernah pun post apa2 'bout this "listen 10times" in facebook. tp zeera nk jgk tulis my own opinion here. This listen wave struck all over Malaysia faster than Hallyu wave kot!
hebat kn?
in a night almost seluruh komuniti social networking maya dh boleh rasa, dh boleh tahu.

sy rasa dh lama dh dengar ttg tuntutan students IPT for a free higher education. sini sy nk tahu ape yg mereka2 tu nk di-free-kan? tuition fee? sewa asrama? yuran konvo?
kalau tanya semua orang, sape yg nak belajar free.. semua org nak. benda free semua org suka.

I am a penghutang PTPTN, proudly. cause at the very least I tried to not burden my parents. I am trying to survive with that merely RM 3000 a semester for all expenses. yuran university sy, USIM is incredibly highly heavenly expensive. not like UiTM yg cuma a few hundreds. I am a science student, living in the hostel.. every semester for 3 semester bila tengok je penyata yuran
± RM 1800

3000 - 1800 = 1200

so, tell me how am I gonna survive for 4-5 month with one thousand and two hundred ringgit? RM 10 a day?
free higher education? ye sy mmg nak! I am desperately to have it.

kalau sy migrate ke negara yg free higher education pun, sy takkan dapat kelebihan tu. think madam SZJ! Fates are foretold, it was already written before we were born. and I was destinied to be a Malaysian.

let say kalau the gov luluskan free higher edu.. there is no need to pay the fee, the tuition fee. but how about the accommodation, hostel. mana ada universiti yg blh provide an enough room for its students. masih ada yg kena sewa rumah. so, duit nk sewa rumah tu, duit yg nk makan tiap2 hari tu.. you got two choices now:
1. parents yg bagi 
2. loan

see how PTPTN punya role. zeerah pernah baca yg negara2 yg bg free education tu mcm Cuba dan tak igt dh hehe.. tax kat sana mahal dia tersangat lah mahal.. sanggup ke kita utk menjamin yg kita ni dpt free higher education, we let the lives of all Malaysian goes miserable? Malaysia ni bukan negara maju yg pendapatan perkapitanya tinggi. those nelayan, those pesawah masih lg dlm kemiskinan.

second of let say we got a free higher education, boleh ke kita sendiri IPT students jamin yg duit rakyat tu we would never take it for granted? will we get 4.0 pointer every semester?
since I was in high school I often heard people say : "tak payah laa nak bercinta masa sekolah ni, nnt bila dah masuk university nnt ramai lg lelaki yg baik dan pandai lg kita akn jumpa.. masa tu nnt pilih jaa yg mn satu.."

oleh kerana mungkin some people apply what the elder had said to them before dan dh macam trend sekarang --->
 you found someone you happened to fell head over heels for,
 you tell them your feeling, 
you pergi dating almost everyday, 
you forget all your assignment, you copied your friends',
 you sit for final and your result was like Hiroshima and Nagasaki being bombed over.
less than 3.0 more than 1.5, tahniah!

dan kalaulah skrg ni zaman free higher edu, I supposed that every Malaysian yg siang malam berkerja to pay the high tax pergi claim balik duit anda pd gov.

try to think if there is a free higher education, what is the meaning of JPA scholarship, MARA scholarship left..? siapa nk pergi kejar semua biasiswa tu kalau dh free? sy mengaku yg sy juga kejar 4.0, kejar dean list tu sebab nk dapatkan biasiswa bagai. so what is left there to boost the students? 
the parents, the lecturers or the kekasih hati?

ini luahan saya seorang pelajar yg terdesak untuk mendapat biasiswa, juga seorang pelajar IPT yg mungkin tidak dapat memegang amanah rakyat jika diberi pendidikan tinggi yg percuma. PTPTN yg saya pinjam ini pelaburan sy untuk masa depan sy, usaha sy untuk meringankan beban keluarga sy. tempat sy di university ini merupakan amanah keluarga, amanah Allah dan amanah rakyat kerana tempat ini mungkin juga milik seseorang yg lebih layak dari sy.

setiap sesuatu ada baik dan buruknya, wallahu 'alam..

infinity of apologies, ZEERAH.

Monday, January 14, 2013

buried in my heart

by the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful..

Things that happened yesterday tend to be memories as we flashed back today, and so today will be memories for tomorrow.
when we met someone we ought to absolutely never think about parting.
she was my housemate for almost one semester, a senior and a friend for the rest of eternity. =)

time had moved undeniably this fast
duplicated the rate of heartbeats
leaving me behind, alone.
meeting you isn't written in any row of my own plan
so does this parting
memories of you unconsciously had gummed in this timeless diary.
so long time'll passed
and this mere girl will then a lady
but you will still occupy this chapter of my chronicle.

kak sarah is here.