di awal semester ni mmg lah byk waktu terluang kn... (alasan je, malas sebenarnye) sy pun meneruskan aktiviti2 sy, WATCHING DRAMA lahh...
this time layan MASTER OF STUDY, balas dendam sbb x sempat tgok kt umah..ehehe.. but i tell you this story brings me back our school's memory... sumpah!
sebenarnya, at first the main reason why I watched this drama because one of the role reminds me of my strict calculus lecturer.. Mr. M
lemme briefly tell you a lil bit about it keyhh.. this story is about a failing high school, but then there came a lawyer where he offered a plan to help the school. that is getting five of their student into a top university. and there was a scene where the lawyer punished them because one of them accidentally slept during the class. tp masa tu jg lah parents diorang dtg sbb nk bt surprise party. and yes, some of them agree with the punishment, but some of them are not.
haishh... tetiba sentap la lak, terasa sbenarnya.. sy mengaku, mmg sy kuat tido dlm kls. even until now. tp taklah sampai tido betul2, tersengguk2 je keyhh you all... ^^
YA ALLAH, rindu nya zaman sekolah dulu. where we strive sbb nk masok universiti tp on the same time bahagia je lalui zaman remaja.. but my SPM didn't turn out very well, but alhamdulillah i happened to get into the matriculation colleges.
with the GIRLS... |
the only jejaka idaman malaya kls sy.. from left husaini, ammar, zahir |
enjoy jgk but on the same time masing2 sibuk belajar.. dgn kls nye, kls Bukhari lg (this is a class yg dibuat selepas waktu sekolah dimana biayanya ditanggung oleh Syed Mokhtar Albukhari.. knl kn?), tuisyen berbayar nye lg. rasa nya x blh consier as masters of study, tp monsters of study blh lahh... hahahaha..
if you guys happened to read this entry, I want you to know that I miss those time that we were together. yg sy x pernah menyesal knl hangpa semua.. walaupun ada pahit nye kenangan kita dimana-mana, tp manisnya LEBIH byk kn??
skrg, dh nk masok 3 tahun that we've parted our own ways.. ada yg masih dibumi Malaysia, ada yg di Mesir, di Jordan..
semoga ALLAh memberkati setiap langkah yg kita ambil untuk menuntut ilmu..ameen