haip! tangan tu.. gatal kn?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

hilangkan jerawat anda

Entah kenapa cerita jerawat masih bertandang di kotak hati..

its okay, sebab sy boleh bagi tips on

before, jerawat ni sebenarnya caused by --->

> hormon, biasa lah.. remaja kan..
> clogged pores.. pori muka yang tersumbat.. sebab tu lah kena cuci muka bersih2..
> minyak muka yang berlebihan pun penyumbang utama.. how to overcome, back to cuci muka bersih2 dan kerap, atau pun boleh guna tisu minyak..

jadi, bagaimana untuk mengurangkan jerawat thus menghilangkan jerawat.

1.you can use kulit kayu manis. blend it sampai agak2 halus. use it with water masa nak sapu di tempat yg ada jerawat. 
note: kena tahan sikit the effect upon application, tp lama2 alah bisa tegal biasa..

2. pegaga, dimakan begitu sahaja, campur dgn bedak sejuk pon boleh. atau boleh blend jadikan macam masker..

3. some people guna bawang putih..

4. well, actually almond oil sangat bagus utk kulit..

but for me, I'd prefer BioOil.. mudah didapati.. apply it sebelum tidur, basuh bersih2 on the next morning. sebab we don't want minyak bioOil tu sendiri akan menambahkan minyak natural dari muka kite..

5. minyak kelapa dara.. hampir terlupa tadi

6. guna lemon atau lime.. buah yg masam dan acidic dipercayai boleh mengecilkan pori..

7. ubi kentang.. selain dapat megurangkan jerawat, dia juga boleh menghaluskan kulit.

dan dari side dermatologically,

1. consult dengan pakar kulit.. memang agak mahal.. tapi kulit kita ini je yg ALLAH bagi, apa salahnya kan..

2. acne antibiotics, boleh juga didapati di farmasi.. 
selalunya pakar kulit akan prescribe kite dgn antibiotik.. dan we have to take it everyday selama 3 bulan.. kalau di farmasi, mungkin pharmacist tu akan prescribe berdasarkan umur dan tahap jerawat kite..

3. accutane.. dan ini utk jerawat yg hardcore.

4. saya guna krim jerawat yg agak kuat kalau nak dibandingkan dengan T3 atau lain2 jenama yg ada di TV.. 

apa yang sy nak pesan, elak kan drpd ambil ubat yg kita sendiri pun tak pasti keselamatan nya.. yang mungkin made in thai***d ke..

muka adalah the first part yang orang akan tengok kita. by all means the first impression. biar lah apa pun warna kulit kita, tapi yang penting suci dan bebas dari cela.. 

nnt saya share product yg berkesan di pasaran yeah!! 

Tuesday, November 05, 2013


Salam alaik..

you know
all the superheroes characters.. 
superman, batman, spiderman, thor (pon boleh laa kot) and etc..

they came in a speed of light,
ready to draw a helping hand..
like a knight in a shining armour.. 

That’s how I picture him.. 
every time saya kesusahan.. he had always been there to help me.. 
tak pernah minta balasan, 
tak pernah mengungkit..

and he's a gentleman with manner..

thanks for everything, SUPERMAN

mid sem break


I am currently in the middle of mid semester break.. but, assignment bertimbun tahap ikan jerung.. so, istilah cuti tu boleh campak ke laut je laa..

Bermacam-macam ujian Allah datangkan, tak lain tak bukan.. to express how much He loves me..

to be short, I’m having difficulties on my biggest assignment for this semester.. Alhamdulillah, ada yg sanggup pinjamkan telinga mendengar luahan hati ini.. ada yg sanggup luangkan masa membantu diri ini..

had been working on my Research Methodology assignment, on the safety of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles in sunscreen formulation.. but in the midst of everything, saya baru sedar yg tajuk tu aren’t leading me to a proper experiment..sighhhh..

jadi, sy pergi laa plead pada pensyarah yg berkuasa utk tukar tajuk.. and guess what.. dia SETUJU.. so, a senior of mine suggested me to work on ”in vitro study in determining SPF”.. ehey, bahagia.. org lain ada yg dah siap x kurang yg dah halfway.. but me starting all over again from the scratch.. tapi tak mengapa.. tak rugi apa pon.. sebab dapat pengalaman dan ilmu yg lebih dari orang lain.. kan?

and the same goes to my Honour Seminar.. tapi masih berkira-kira utk tukar tajuk ke tidak.. old tajuk is nanotechnology in cosmeceuticals industry.. tajuk baru pulak pasal physical and chemicals sunscreen..

pejam celik pejam celik.. sem depan dah nak start work on thesis.. pastu dah 4th year.. then pegi industrial training.. which means sayonara USIM.. 

ya ALLAH.. betul orang cakap.. 4 tahun tu tak lama.. sekejap je..
impian masih tak berubah.. still nak sambung master.. Cuma dah start nampak dalam field apa.. for sure laa cosmeceuticals kan.. harharhar..

guess what..

a few days ago..

I got a bouquet of flower from.. *blushed

from.. *flustered

eheheh.. bye2..

Saturday, September 07, 2013

my acne story

salam alaikum..

so, dh lama sgt biar blog ni bersawang and with all respect it is due to x bayar broadband. I was broke, but yeahh now alhamdulillah walaupun belum bergelar orang kaya baru..

couple hours ago, i was thinking of ape nk update huh? byk sgt. tp mcm tu lah, dok ber brownian motion dlm kepala tp x terluah dijari..

nk tulis psl ramadan,
psl syawal,
psl arwah Imanuddin,
psl weds kak nisah,
psl jubah baru,
psl kejatuhan pointer,
psl the king,
psl kne sekat daftar kos,
psl nk start sem baru..

rindu youtube, checking on G Dragon new song Coup D'etat and VI comeback, 

then i saw a video
"Foundation Makeup Routine for Acne"

i am someone with acne like since forever.. and yup, i am someone who wore a heavy makeup utk tutup segala acne.. makeup addict, makdatin or whatever org nk ckp: persetankan sume tu..

sy takut nk kluar jumpa org with a bare face, malu dgn acne!

after i finished my foundation, i mean my matriculation college, i had a f***ing severe acne both on my face and my body. 
so, i went consulting with a dermatologist at a klinik kulit here in parit buntar. i was prescribed with antibiotics, cream and shower foam which does not produce foam sgt pon.. i still remember the mole green pills which has to be taken daily while taking the meal. i had the side effects, which is nausea and vomiting. walaupon it is a rare thing to be getting the side effects. the pills cost RM1 per pill. bermakna i spent 90 ringgit malaysia only on the pills as they had to be taken for 3 months nonstop. mase tu, rasa bersalah sgt dgn ayah. he spent more than RM300 utk ubati masalah acne his only daughter nih... T.T

yes, it was a success.. i turned into an acne-less girl.

but then, a few months after i stopped the medication simply because of the 3 months of pills ends.. i was on the urge of finals, i got stressed up, tido lambat, jadi burung hantu: malam brjaga siang tido.. the nightmare happens AGAIN! the perhaps hidden acne got hyped up and i became BEPOP's lil sis.

again, i took the medication again but this time only for a month. it lessened. alhamdulillah.

mengharap panas hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan tatkala mentari mencacak.
upon ending up my 3rd semester, i bacame BEPOP's sister again..

these pictures are real, non of them were edited.

tiap2 hari, termanggu depan cermin, crying due to the pain. the pain that came from the acne itself and pain of being OOOOUGHLY.. tried so many method, clinically to kampungly..

say it, name it.. semua dh buat..
ibu told me to use BioOil utk kurangkan the marks, the parut..
miraculously, the acne pon dh x hyped up sgt.. plus i took the antibiotics too..

so, back to the youtube video.. there is this video diary of  Elaine Mokk. she who suffers the same problem just like me.. when antibiotics does not work up on you, there is this another stronger medication named Accutane. buleh google nnt.. the side effects were much greater than antibiotics..

dan sebab this Elaine lah sy berani tulis this shamefull entry.. which is a confession of an "antibiotics addict". she was bold enough to shows people her bare face.. tapi  x yah nk malu sgt lah zeghahh, even artis korea pon telan jugop ubat ni.. for instance YongHwa of CNBlue..

alhamdulillah, syukur ya Rabbi.. i am getting better day by day..
the same shawl, from jordan but made in china

utk yg suffer an acne problem just like me, do sacrifice a bit of your money.. antibiotics for acne blh beli kt pharmacy up to 60sen per pill.. acne is a common problem for youth di negara yg panas lembab mcm malaysia.. our skin easily goes oily and acne arose. 

sorok muke dlm peti ais sbb malu, wassalam..

Friday, June 28, 2013

semester 4

alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah..
terima kasih Allah atas nikmat hidup dn nikmat sihat yg Engkau berikan..
semester 4 meets its end.

7 subjects have been learned, 7 subjects which almost kill me.
>akhlaq dan tasawwuf islam
>fiqh ibadah dan munakahat
>technique of computational mathematics
>spectroscopic technique
>inorganic chemistry
>chemical kinetics

buat ibu ayah, terima kasih atas doanya atas sokongan yg tiada penghujung.

buat teman2, terima kasih. 4 sem bersama seabad lamanya terasa.
mereka yg berjaga malam bersama sy, terima kasih.
mereka yg x jemu mengajar sy, terima kasih.
mereka yg berpenat study group bersama, terima kasih.
mereka yg berkenderaan, x lokek menumpangkan diri ni ke kelas, terima kasih sgt2.
mereka yg sudi keeping me awake dlm kelas, terima kasih.

buat lecturers, terima kasih atas ilmu nya. insyaALLAH akan diaplikasikan dalam membangunkan ummah.

buat kolej kediaman akasia avenue,KKAA terima kasih atas penginapan yg sangat selesa. semuanya ada di akasia, kedai makan yg berderet-deret, kedai baju yg menggegar purse. sayang! jodoh ku dan akasia x panjang. T.T

finals, 1st time ada paper on the first day, 1st time ada 2 paper killer on the same day, 1 st time last paper one day before the last day of examination.

what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right.

we met almost 2 years ago, 2 years!
we came from different backgrounds,
we possess different character,
but we harbor a same dream.

Friday, June 21, 2013

menghampiri kedewasaan

first and foremost, let me start with lafz basmalah..

20 years back then, I was 1 year old
10 years ago, I was 11 years old
5 years ago, I was 16
last year I was 20
and this year I am getting 21
thus next year I'll be 22.
10 years more, I"ll be 31.

MasyaALLAH.. time is running super fast. kalah Usain Bolt!

I was a baby who need my parents to carry me, to kendong me everywhere they went,
I was a kid who used to cling on my parents,
I was a teenage who used to rebel and 
hold my head up right in defending my fault,
I am still a daughter to my parents,
I am still a sister toward my brothers,
I am a student who devoted my lifetime craving for education.. thinking that education is the only way to change my life, to change my social status..

in no meantime, you and I and we are going to be an adult. an adult who work to earn, an adult who think of the future, who think of tomorrow.

through my 20 years of living, I used to be a child who spent my entire day laughing, watching dramas, berjimba merata, kaki yang sikit2 nak keluar rumah. 
masak? that's a lady's job. kemas rumah? urhh, habuk. wash the dishes? kasar la tgn I nnt. basuh baju? senang sgt, campak dlm washing machine jer!

but everybody needs a change. a change for good.
I am no more a child, correction here. we are no more a child.

I was texting with a friend of mine couple days ago,

FRIEND: jom solat! nnt jgn lupa doa biar dpt result yg bagus dan pasangan yg soleh atau solehah

I was dumbfounded. stoned.
undoubtedly, frankly.. tak tahu salah nya atau silap nya di mana.. mungkin bi'ah disini, mungin suasana disini yg Alhamdulillah.. maksiat tdk berleluasa, aurat tdk terdedah dimerata.. cuma pemikiran yg sikit2 nya ttg kahwin..

"nk jimat sikit, kumpul duit nak kawen"
"mstilah ttup aurat, simpan utk future suami nnt"

knp tidak

"jimat duit sikit, kumpul duit nk hantar ibu abah pegi Mekah"
"msti lah ttup aurat, kan kewajipan sbg Muslim"

perhaps I am still a child at heart, and sy sndiri pon mengaku.. bkn x pernah fikir langsung psl kahwin ni, pernah. yes pernah. but at the same time having the thought that it is something far away.. lambat lg.. marriage is such a decision that may change my life, my entire life, my future as well.
I got the entire world to conquer, dude..
in two years time, I am a fresh graduate.. InsyaALLAH
angan2 utk further buat second degree, sape x ade.
fly ke oversea sambung phD..

it is not that all these cannot be achieved with a life partner..
it can, it may.. conditioned with someone who's willing to pack up his luggage, get into the flight and waved at Malaysia. start a new life with a foreign weather, being a minority, catch up with a new accent. that's a lot to think of!

there is a reason why ALLAH keep our future as a secret, so that we would never lose hope. so that we would always keep our faith in believing HIM.

Monday, April 29, 2013


to them whom I appreciate the most
looking alone at the long path
I may stood forever
then I decide to walk through it
but it seems to bears just black and white

to He The Most Generous of all

I thank You for sending them
that this road no more seems dull
I happen to learn happiness, laugh and smile
I happen to meet sorrow and sad 
I happen to live life to its fullest

sometimes pebbles and rocks

appear on my road
I stumbled
wounded and bleed
sometimes I may lost in the jungle
and sometimes I may drown in the vast sea

as friendship brings love

love brings sympathy
and sympathy carries along mercy
they reach out their hands
helping me to stand on my foot back

at times I might hurt others
I may pay less attention
I may show less cares
I may say harsh words
deep down I repent my wrongs

He who wrote this amazing story
He brings us closer
and He also brings you miles away from me
but when two heart mingled together
distance is just a mere problem

yes, we're the travelers
traveling along the path towards the eternal life
in the Hereafter
waiting the time to meet the greatest Lover
keeping faith so that we can befriend again there

we're not a loner in this travel

because I have you, and you have me
one for all, and all for one!

love, ZEERAH.

Sunday, April 28, 2013



1st skali, confession: this entry adalah permintaan Saudari Akhlisah

betapa susahnya utk menjadi seorang sahabat, tambah2 sahabat sejati.. yg mampu menjaga hati sahabatnya, yg mampu menutup aib sahabatnya, yg mampu bergelak ketawa bersama, yg mampu menangis bersama, sehinggakan boleh digelar sahabat dunia akhirat..

mencari sahabat sejati itu ibarat mencari butir penawar yg terdapat dlm buah delima.. ada beribu butir biji delima, rasa yg sama, bentuk yg juga hampir sama.. ttapi penawarnya hanya satu..

begitulah juga sahabat.. kita boleh dpt beribu kawan di facebook, tpi di dunia nyata berapa?? boleh dibilang dgn jari..

yg menjadi persoalan bukan lah "adakah dia sahabat sejati?" namun "adakah saya sendiri sahabat sejati dia?"

Kau ada dikala ku suka
Dikala ku duka
setiap tangisan dan juga ketawa
Kau ada dikala ku perlu
setia menemaniku
Pegang erat tanganku bila aku jatuh

Kau lah yang selalu
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Hidup ku

Kau lah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kau lah yang satu
Menjadi sahabatku

Ku tahu ku kan selalu ada
Pada dirimu
Dan ku harap kau juga rasa begitu

Kau lah yang selalu
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Hidup ku

Kau lah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kau lah yang satu
Menjadi sahabatku

Kau lah yang selalu
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Hidup ku

Kau lah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kau lah yang satu
Menjadi sahabatku


Saturday, April 13, 2013

one fine day

ke pasar mlm td ptg.. sesaje nk lepas kn rindu kampung halaman..*konon je..
and guess what i saw a woman with niqab !!

Allah.. i've always loved to see niqabis.. terasa damai je.. no kidding here..
and if i say that i may became one of them one fine day later, it is not that people around me tak percaya.. i myself pon tak rasa kuat lg.. baru bertatih dgn these little thingy (socks, inner hijab, hand sock, etc)

i quoted this from one of my friend
"mmg kita nampak tenang, damai je bila tgok org pakai purdah, niqab suma tu.. tapi kalau rasa tak kuat lg nk berpurdah dan kalau rasa apa yg kita pakai ni dh boleh bawa solat.. keep on wearing like that.."

KEJELITAAN para bidadari syurga..siapakah WANITA DUNIA ITU?
Mereka adalah WANITA SOLEHAH..

Aisyah r.a berkata :
"Wanita-wanita solehah akan berkata kepada bidadari syurga..kami MELAKUKAN SOLAT sedangkan kamu tidak, kami BERPUASA sedangkan kamu tidak..kami BERSEDEKAH sedangkan kamu tidak, kami WANITA SOLEHAH DI DUNIA mengalahkan bidadari syurga.."

Inilah yang menyebabkan bidadari pun cemburu, dunia adalah PERHIASAN dan SEBAIK BAIK PERHIASAN ialah wanita solehah..di dunia lagi bidadari MENCEMBURUI KESOLEHANNYA dan di akhirat bidadari SUDI MENJADI KHADAMNYA..

p/s : Wanita solehah adalah WANITA TERBILANG..hatinya sentiasa TABAH DAN CEKAL, sifat-sifat MAHMUDAH sentiasa menghiasi dirinya..nur muslimah terpancar pada RAUT WAJAHNYA, ALLAH dan RASULULLAH sentiasa DITAATI..IBUBAPA sentiasa di hormati, sentiasa BERISTIQAMAH dalam hati..AL-QURAN dan AS SUNNAH menjadi pedoman dan ikutan..bidadari syurga amat mencemburui mereka, bidadari TUNDUK kepada mereka..INDAHNYA menjadi wanita solehah..

:: BIDADARI itu rupanya ADA DI BUMI ::

heyy.. i'm on twitter now!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

mind blow


what should I write, byk sgt tp sume dh bersepah bergelimpangan dlm otak nihh.. *temporary mental breakdown

went to kompleks falak alkhawarizmi for I.Chem.Tech pny family day
industrial visit yg tertangguh2
stress dgn computational mathematics
lab report yg bertimbun
subjects sem ni yg blh cakap sumenye susah nak hadam
assignment akhlaq
assignment fiqh
assignment munakahat
PRU - mcm laa i ni dh daftar kn *ini semua poyo

lega sikit sbb now typing this very entry kat BAITI JANNATI.. hoyeahhh!
ubat rindu kt haziq mubin sikit.. bubububu

Encik Nazirman yg skrg di zaman pasca result SPM, ongoing with his overflowing offer letter from university mane2 tah lah.. byk sgt..
for sure sy laa yg isi kan UPU dy..

after i've sorted out my mind.. that is when i'll update..

Monday, March 11, 2013

to be continued

dia kira perasaan itu kurniaan Allah
dia yakin perasaan itu bukan mainan
namun andai perasaan itu mungkin kearah maksiat
dia rela ia kekal rahsia

apabila waktu bukan lagi penghalang
apabila Allah merestu
apabila keluarga menguntum senyum

saat ini dia lebih memilih bayang daripada wajah
untuk dilihat
buat penghilang rindu
dia kini hebat

saat dia lebih memilih bucu hijab
daripada gambar
untuk ditatap
dia kini kuat

Thursday, February 07, 2013

If You Forget Me-Pablo Neruda

I want you to know
one thing. 

You know how this is: 
if I look 
at the crystal moon, at the red branch 
of the slow autumn at my window, 
if I touch 
near the fire 
the impalpable ash 
or the wrinkled body of the log, 
everything carries me to you, 
as if everything that exists, 
aromas, light, metals, 
were little boats 
that sail 
toward those isles of yours that wait for me. 

Well, now, 
if little by little you stop loving me 
I shall stop loving you little by little. 

If suddenly 
you forget me 
do not look for me, 
for I shall already have forgotten you. 

If you think it long and mad, 
the wind of banners 
that passes through my life, 
and you decide 
to leave me at the shore 
of the heart where I have roots, 
that on that day, 
at that hour, 
I shall lift my arms 
and my roots will set off 
to seek another land. 

if each day, 
each hour, 
you feel that you are destined for me 
with implacable sweetness, 
if each day a flower 
climbs up to your lips to seek me, 
ah my love, ah my own, 
in me all that fire is repeated, 
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten, 
my love feeds on your love, beloved, 
and as long as you live it will be in your arms 
without leaving mine.

Pablo Neruda

Monday, February 04, 2013

little baby in the house

setelah hampir 14 tahun, keluarga zeera telah didatangi orang baru.. bkn anak zeera, ok!
jg bkn ank sedare zeera sbb zeera ni anak sulung.. impossible adk i nk langkah bendul i sbb dia baru je habis spm..huhu
tp adik.

Haziq Mubin bin Harizan
(nama ni kaklong yg pilih tau)

part seronok nye tu, i remained as the only daughter in the family..xoxo

after a week mubin was born barulah kaklong dia ni berkesempatan pulang kekampung atas alasan study week.. jenguk adik nye laa.. tu pon a few days je yg sempat, sbb ada test History and Philosophy of Science on that very study week.. =.=" *sigh

zeera habiskan study week and the exam weeks tahan azab rindukan mubin.. perit sumpah!
study sket, bukak phone tengok muka mubin, then study blek..
not long after there were one of my friend did asks me

"kenape enti rindu kt mubin? dia bkn boleh bercakap lg pon.."

my tongue gone freeze.. tak terucap ape2 jawapan pun..
perasaan sayang, rindu pada family tu something yg bg sy x dpat diungkap dgn kata2.. it is something subjective, even beyond imagination..

another friend of mine yg tlg jawabkan

"zira tu rindu mubin sbb dh macam2 perasaan dia ade pada mubin"

yup, macam2 perasaan.. sedih, marah, suka, terasing, rindu.
me and mubin, we're like we came to this world from different mother. we only share the same father. when my father married my stepmom like 7 years ago after my parents parted their way one year back then, i had never imagined that i'd had a half-brother. had never imagined that there'd be someone who resembles my genetic characteristic,thus my physical appearance by half perhaps.

--->sedih masa mula dapat tahu, 
--->terasa terasing bila fikirkan kewujudan dia, 
--->tak sabar masa tunggu dia lahir, 
--->excited tengok dia membesar inch by inch inside ibu's womb,
--->senyum melebar masa dapat mms pic dia,

--->surfing the net n selak kamus masa pilih nama untuk dia like crazy
--->menghitung hari nk kiss pipi dia

9 months ago, when my father told me that she was pregnant, i was crying in almost every last sujud, where i kneed i bowed to Allah the Almighty asking Him to give me strength to give me reason so that i can accept his existance. and he answered my dua'a through His verses from the holy Quran. *tak igt dh ayat berapa n surah ape..
cuma roomies lama zeera je tahu my inhuman behaviour masa tu, mental breakdown. terima kasih jg utk diorang sbb bg kata2 semangat sebelum dan selepas mubin lahir..
"semoga zirah jadi kakak yg solehah"

3 weeks
1 months

saje kepilkan sekali yg ni, ni abgnye mubin.. alif.
same kn mata diorang. ^^ 
nnt kalu zeera ade anak, muka mcm ni pun dh puas hati sgt dh..hohoho gatal!

ada org cakap hidup zeera ni macam drama, banyak cerita2 yg selalunya nampak kt drama je. kalau dulu masa zeera kecil, means belum lg matang zeera rasa down sgt dgn all these plot, all these chapter of my life. kenapa hidup zeera x bahagia macam org lain, kenapa zeera x boleh dpt a perfect family mcm org lain.. semua tu zeera pertikai.
tp sekarang zeera tahu, zeera faham yg this imperfect life of mine that was unescapably perfectly written by Allah sebenarnya manis belaka. Allah uji zeera sikit saja sebab nak bagi zeera tahu menghargai nikmat. betapa org cakap nikmat tu nikmat yg tersangat nikmat.*kan dh unsur lewah

albaqarah verse 216. "Fighting (in the cause of Allah) is prescribed for you, although you dislike it. Yet it may happen that you dislike a thing while it is good for you; and it may happen that you love a thing while it is evil for you; surely Allah knows, and you know not."

its better to light a small candle than to curse the darkness

Friday, January 18, 2013

listen listen listen !

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Even though zeera x pernah pun post apa2 'bout this "listen 10times" in facebook. tp zeera nk jgk tulis my own opinion here. This listen wave struck all over Malaysia faster than Hallyu wave kot!
hebat kn?
in a night almost seluruh komuniti social networking maya dh boleh rasa, dh boleh tahu.

sy rasa dh lama dh dengar ttg tuntutan students IPT for a free higher education. sini sy nk tahu ape yg mereka2 tu nk di-free-kan? tuition fee? sewa asrama? yuran konvo?
kalau tanya semua orang, sape yg nak belajar free.. semua org nak. benda free semua org suka.

I am a penghutang PTPTN, proudly. cause at the very least I tried to not burden my parents. I am trying to survive with that merely RM 3000 a semester for all expenses. yuran university sy, USIM is incredibly highly heavenly expensive. not like UiTM yg cuma a few hundreds. I am a science student, living in the hostel.. every semester for 3 semester bila tengok je penyata yuran
± RM 1800

3000 - 1800 = 1200

so, tell me how am I gonna survive for 4-5 month with one thousand and two hundred ringgit? RM 10 a day?
free higher education? ye sy mmg nak! I am desperately to have it.

kalau sy migrate ke negara yg free higher education pun, sy takkan dapat kelebihan tu. think madam SZJ! Fates are foretold, it was already written before we were born. and I was destinied to be a Malaysian.

let say kalau the gov luluskan free higher edu.. there is no need to pay the fee, the tuition fee. but how about the accommodation, hostel. mana ada universiti yg blh provide an enough room for its students. masih ada yg kena sewa rumah. so, duit nk sewa rumah tu, duit yg nk makan tiap2 hari tu.. you got two choices now:
1. parents yg bagi 
2. loan

see how PTPTN punya role. zeerah pernah baca yg negara2 yg bg free education tu mcm Cuba dan tak igt dh hehe.. tax kat sana mahal dia tersangat lah mahal.. sanggup ke kita utk menjamin yg kita ni dpt free higher education, we let the lives of all Malaysian goes miserable? Malaysia ni bukan negara maju yg pendapatan perkapitanya tinggi. those nelayan, those pesawah masih lg dlm kemiskinan.

second of let say we got a free higher education, boleh ke kita sendiri IPT students jamin yg duit rakyat tu we would never take it for granted? will we get 4.0 pointer every semester?
since I was in high school I often heard people say : "tak payah laa nak bercinta masa sekolah ni, nnt bila dah masuk university nnt ramai lg lelaki yg baik dan pandai lg kita akn jumpa.. masa tu nnt pilih jaa yg mn satu.."

oleh kerana mungkin some people apply what the elder had said to them before dan dh macam trend sekarang --->
 you found someone you happened to fell head over heels for,
 you tell them your feeling, 
you pergi dating almost everyday, 
you forget all your assignment, you copied your friends',
 you sit for final and your result was like Hiroshima and Nagasaki being bombed over.
less than 3.0 more than 1.5, tahniah!

dan kalaulah skrg ni zaman free higher edu, I supposed that every Malaysian yg siang malam berkerja to pay the high tax pergi claim balik duit anda pd gov.

try to think if there is a free higher education, what is the meaning of JPA scholarship, MARA scholarship left..? siapa nk pergi kejar semua biasiswa tu kalau dh free? sy mengaku yg sy juga kejar 4.0, kejar dean list tu sebab nk dapatkan biasiswa bagai. so what is left there to boost the students? 
the parents, the lecturers or the kekasih hati?

ini luahan saya seorang pelajar yg terdesak untuk mendapat biasiswa, juga seorang pelajar IPT yg mungkin tidak dapat memegang amanah rakyat jika diberi pendidikan tinggi yg percuma. PTPTN yg saya pinjam ini pelaburan sy untuk masa depan sy, usaha sy untuk meringankan beban keluarga sy. tempat sy di university ini merupakan amanah keluarga, amanah Allah dan amanah rakyat kerana tempat ini mungkin juga milik seseorang yg lebih layak dari sy.

setiap sesuatu ada baik dan buruknya, wallahu 'alam..

infinity of apologies, ZEERAH.

Monday, January 14, 2013

buried in my heart

by the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful..

Things that happened yesterday tend to be memories as we flashed back today, and so today will be memories for tomorrow.
when we met someone we ought to absolutely never think about parting.
she was my housemate for almost one semester, a senior and a friend for the rest of eternity. =)

time had moved undeniably this fast
duplicated the rate of heartbeats
leaving me behind, alone.
meeting you isn't written in any row of my own plan
so does this parting
memories of you unconsciously had gummed in this timeless diary.
so long time'll passed
and this mere girl will then a lady
but you will still occupy this chapter of my chronicle.

kak sarah is here.