21 November 2014
I was suspected of having fibroid in the ...............
So the doctor suggested that I should go for ultrasound in either Serdang just in Penang. back to my hometown. and booked the date for operation.
betul, nak buat secepat mungkin tapi macam susah je, thesis yang due next week, poster presentation on 18th December, final exam, industrial training.
nak call ibu ayah nak bagitahu pasal benda ni sangat lah susah. susah, really susah.
I googled on the causes that might contribute to the occurrence of the fibroid of benign tumor or what so ever it is:
- The monthly changes in the levels of oestrogen and progesterone are considered to be the most noteworthy factors contributing to this disease. These two hormones directly affect the b............. tissues by causing cells to grow and multiply.
- Prolactin, growth factor, thyroid hormone and insulin also influence the development of b............ fibroids.
- The b.............. produces hormonal products from its glandular and fat cells. These hormonal products send signals to the neighbouring b.............. cells. These signals are the key factors responsible for the development of b......... fibroids.
Zirah suggest sangat2, women out there please please do a frequent check on your body. No matter what age you are. because unexpected things could happened.
Zirah harap boleh pergi intern on time, complete intern pun on time. so that boleh grad pun time.