haip! tangan tu.. gatal kn?

Friday, October 24, 2014

MISI PRIHATIN KEMBOJA - Kemboja Ramadhan ep 6

episode 6

The last day in Cambodia. Perasaan haruslah bercampur-baur. Rasa seronok sebab dah nak balik. Rasa sedih sebab mission dah tamat. 

O.V.E.R spells over.

Pepagi lagi tuan haji bawak kitorang pegi “Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum”. Museum ni nak cakap museum pun tak macam museum sangat. Bila dah nama pun genocide kan, museum yang blh kata scary lah.

genocide = killing = annihilation = massacre 

Sebenarnya museum ni sekolah, which later turned into a prison. There was a time, Cambodia was under the reign of a man, Pol Pot. This Pol Pot lah yang tukar sekolah ni jadi prison. Lots and lots and lots of people died over there. I think you better Google this, the history of this country. I’m not really confident here, because I might be confused and might be telling you the wrong story. Takut nanti zirah putar belit sejarah pulak. hehe.

And so that you know, I am not really fond of war, homicide, killing, blood etc etc. 

Masa pergi museum tu pun, zirah tried really hard buat-buat keras hati. Sebab takut terbayang-bayang those horrible things. You know, lots of people were killed there. Pembunuhan besar besaran, a massacre!! Kalau ikut dari cerita tuan haji, bagi Pol Pot rakyat ni “simpan pun tak guna, bunuh pun tak rugi”. and he loves to kill the scholars, yang cerdik bijak pandai. doctors, professors, engineers.

 one word, GILA !

Undang-undang penjara tu.

Despite of thousands of people were killed, there are two living survivors. And we met them. Zirah cerita pasal yang sorang je eh. Sebab cerita beliau, amazing yet sad.

His name is Bou Meng. Dulu, masa Mr. Meng dengan wife dia kena tangkap. They were separated, Mr. Meng kat penjara lain, wife dia kat penjara lain. Mereka ditangkap masa tahun 70s, tapi yang sedih nya Mr. Meng dapat tahu yang wife dia dah meninggal, dah kena bunuh masa tahun 2008.
Even though it hurts, it’s still LOVE.

The very last thing, shopping lah..!!

Kami pegi shopping di Pasar Temai, forgive me if I’m wrong. tapi yang zirah sure nama pasar tu Pasar Baru in bahasa sebab haji yusuf yang cakap macam tu kat zirah. hehe. saja nak repeat, haji 
Yusuf is a Cambodian taw.

dan bergambar,

 the geng solat jemaah, *asha, zira, kak hasanah, akhlisah*

the forever cool Kak Nana,

and, kak Abil.

walaupun mission ni dah habis, tapi kenangan dia tak akan habis-habis.

biar nanti kalau umur dipanjang Tuhan,
biar nanti kalau rezeki dimurah Ilahi,
biar kaki ini menapak kesana lg.

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