haip! tangan tu.. gatal kn?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

my acne story 2

peace be upon you..

so, this is like a repost of my last "acne story" entry.. I wrote the entry in mixed language.. but then, most of the viewers are native English speaker. so, I bet they do not really understand it.

I started to have acne when I entered secondary school, acne which looked like rashes. and it leaves scars on my face. my mom had done everything to stop them. from, acne cream to every sorts of acne products. I can say it doesn't really worked, because you know I was a teen.

so time passed by and I went to matriculation college for my foundation program. It was right after graduation, my skin was at the most HORRIBLE state ever. in which lots and lots and lots of acne grows on it.

I had them both on my face and on my back. From the rashes-like acne, to a real BIG ones. well in Malaysia, we call this some disease as "kudis". I don't really know what is "kudis" in English, and this kudis is like a really bad rashes. My father thought that I might get caught with "kudis', so he brought me to a dermatology clinic.

I was told that it was just only acne, THANK GOD!
so, I was prescribed with antibiotics pills, shower foam and lotion cream. let me warned you first. treatment for skin diseases is lot more expensive compared to other treatment.

30 pills + a small bottle of shower foam + lotion of not even half of your palm size = RM 100

My Goodness, I was about to cry back then. imagine that was for only a month. I had to use them for three months. 3 months.

i repeat, THREE MONTHS.

my father, a man with love. he had

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